Big Brother Australia 2013: The influx of two female Intruders had the Housemates in a whirl of exhilaration, but not everyone is happy about the new accompaniments. Although Ed's been averse to talk about their romance, his relationship with Jade is growing into something more than "just friends" to her noticeable pleasure (cue hand holding, hair stroking and secret smiles). But will a certain sexy, single Intruder be dangerous for the budding relationship?

From the moment the Madaline stepped inside the House, Jade labelled as a threat. "It's Ed's perfect girl," Jade commented while watching the Intruder's entrance from the Diary Room.

Housemates seem to have the same opinion. "She's brunette, she's corporate and she's got her stuff together. Sounds like a package deal for Prince Charming,"

"I think Madaline is more what Ed would go for on the outside world over Jade." Drew said with a pragmatic approach.

Super susceptible Jade was apparently on edge. She struck close to Ed's side all the time, casting surreptitious glances at Madaline as the Housemates sat down and got to know the new girl in the house.

Jade suggested that the Gold Bedroom might be a great option when it came time for the Intruders to pick a bed, - i.e., Gold Bedroom is as far away from Ed's bed as possible.

"We'll wait and see who they gravitate towards... as long as it's not Ed."

"I'll play nice," she promised. "I'm going to be lovely... just as long as she doesn't step on my toes."

In the Diary Room, Jade made her feelings clear while debriefing with Big Brother.

"Girls are more competition for us," "Of course the little comments, they do get to me." Jade said.

"If I want something I will go after it and I will not stop until I get it." Madaline said

"If Madaline is Ed's type, then I have a problem." Jade told Big Brother.

Does this mean end of the fairy tale JadEd romance?

Watch Jade and Ed bond by the pool:

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