The phenomenal success of the pop boy band “One Direction” has left girls shrieking and boys wanting to smash their heads to walls. But sooner than later— we’re hoping and banking on the former—this group will disband like many other successful boy bands in the past, much to the dismay of the shrieking girls even as the boys-with-smashed-heads-on-walls can celebrate.

First a bit of history of previous successful boy bands that made it big but came down crashing back to earth when a key member left the band. That’s probably non-sequitur, but we’re for any idea of a boyband disbanding for any reason.

American group Backstreet Boys found their superstardom in the late 90s and went on to become the best-selling boy band and one of the best-selling music groups in the world in history. BSB member Kevin Richardson was the first to leave the group in 2002 and BSB has never been the same since.

Another all-boy group from U.S.A. who also made it big in the world srage was 'N Sync. There was no formal press release on the band’s break-up but supposedly it started when the only famous member Justin Timberlake started showing inclinations of wanting a solo career.

Over in Europe, there’s Westlife who were amongst the most bankable artists in British music history. They start swooning teenagers in 1998 before one member, Brian McFadden left the group in 2004. Westlife continued to tour at this point and eventually disbanded in 2011.

One Direction fans do not have to be too depressed. It is a fact in music life that groups disband—even the most successful boybands. In that inevitability, One Direction fans may want to look at the betting odds at to see which 1D member will most likely leave first.

Betting Odds - First to Leave One Direction
Liam Payne 2.76
Harry Styles 3.5
Niall Horan 4.5
Zayn Malik 4.5
Louis Tomlinson 7.0

New to sports and entertainment betting? Here’s the simple formula:

X (Amount of Bet) times Betting Odds = Payout

As examples, we’ll use the actual 1D betting odds. If a bettor wagers $100 on Liam Payne, then that bettor wins the bet with a payout of $276 (or $176 winnings) if Liam indeed leaves One Direction first. If a bettor wagers on Louis Tomlinson (7.0) then that bettor wins the bet with a payout of $700 (or $600 winnings)!

While the said betting odds/lines set the probable payouts, it also indicates a more pressing reality: what actually happens in the real world.

In this case, the sportsbooks, via the betting lines, tell us that Liam will be the first member to leave One Direction.

Don’t be depressed Directioners, 1DFamily or whatever it is you call yourselves; just note that even if Liam leaves One Direction, at least you can make money off your favorite boyband before they finally break up!