It is the sixth week of "The Bachelor Australia" Season 2 this week, and no contestant has emerged as 'The Girl' till now. Blake has been playing a smart, sweet game, making every girl in the house feel special and important.

Laurina is the girl Blake would definitely date outside, but he feels there is an unbelievable chemistry between him and Jessica. Sam makes him laugh and Chantal is his kind of girl. He is completely at ease with Zoe and he finds Louise fun, driven and beautiful. He has yet to go on a single date with Amber, but the girl has got her share of attention and some alone time with him. The bachelor is still in the process to know the new girls, though Mary has caught his attention with her efforts to know him [impress him]. Lauren and Rachel have yet to show what they have to offer. Lauren, however, has the potential to emerge as the girl to beat.

This Wednesday will see Amber again having a meltdown, as the preview suggests that she does not get the single date card. It is Sam, Lauren and Laurina who get to go on single dates, with Blake. It is surprising to see three girls getting the opportunity to go on the single dates in an episode. The preview of the episode suggests that Sam and Lauren are "swept away," as the former feels she is getting the royal treatment while the later finds the arrangement at the date "lovely." Laurina, however, looks disappointed, as she is yearning for a fine-dining date with Blake but the bachelor takes her out for some street pie time.

In episode 10, Amber and Kara were the last two bachelorettes standing. Part of the original girl group, these two had not gone on a single date with Blake. Kara said good bye and Amber received the red rose to see another rose ceremony. With no single date card coming her back, it may be Amber's turn to pack her bags and leave. The girls would love to see that happening, as they have had enough of Amber.