Video Source: YouTube/ Daily News

Thanks to a passenger who knew CPR, a 15-month old baby who suddenly stopped breathing mid-flight from Tampa, Florida to Phoenix Sky Harbor was saved. US Airways Flight 678 then decided to divert to Houston to make an emergency landing.

Passengers said they heard an announcement seeking help from anyone onboard who has knowledge with CPR. Passenger Garrett Goodwin was just the right man for the job, at just the perfect timing.

A former army medic who now teaches CPR for a living, Mr Goodwin responded to the call. He immediately rushed to the front of the plane.

"He ran up, had the baby held in his hand upside down, he was purple...," one passenger said.

"I did chest compressions, cleared his mouth, gave him some rescue breathing, stimulated him. He came back around," Mr Goodwin said.

It was unknown why the baby suddenly had a seizure on board Flight 678 which was was taking passengers across America, from Florida to Arizona.

All the while trying to resuscitate the baby, Mr Goodwin was nervous.

"Did you ever think you'd lose him? Absolutely you're scared but your training kicks in," he said.

And when the passengers "heard the baby cry, it was a teary moment for everybody".

"I was in the right place, at the right time with the right experienced training. And I hope anybody with any amount of training would have done that," Mr Goodwin said.

Flight 678 then made an emergency landing in Houston so the baby could be thoroughly checked out. The flight made it to Phoenix, albeit an hour late.