Anonymous witnesses have been reporting UFO activities in Canada this month of July. One witness filmed the mysterious lights moving about in the dark skies above northern Whitby in Ontario, Canada on July 26 while the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database revealed two more UFO sightings over Hamilton, Ontario.

Photo credit: YouTube

The witness was reportedly driving when the bright mysterious lights were noticed approximately 1000 feet high then decided to pull over and film the UFO sighting at 10:10 p.m. The UFO sighting lasted for about five minutes before disappearing.

The recent UFO sighting appears to be an addition to the other spotted UFOs above the Canadian skies with MUFON database revealing other cases in Ontario, Canada. However, the authorities have not given any justification yet for the extraordinary sightings in the area.

An anonymous witness in Hamilton, Ontario reported to the MUFON database the UFO sighting that happened on July 12 at 9:45 p.m. The male witness recounted on the filed report that he and his wife were just outside the terrace until the mysterious light appeared in the evening sky.

"It was a huge oval, very brightly lit, white light. It was travelling at a great rate of speed. Hard to judge, but I would say faster than our fastest jet. As it crossed the lake towards the City of Toronto it just vanished," the witness stated.

The witness shared that he and his wife had the same opinion that what they saw was an alien spacecraft after discussion on the object's height, angle, size, colour of lights and speed. He further added that another oval object appeared 15 minutes later from their first UFO sighting.

The witness confessed: "Twice we saw a huge oval light pop up and seem to hover and pulsate. It was a mixture of colour in terms of light." The couple admitted that they have never seen such sighting in the area and they could have been the only people who witnessed the UFO sighting twice.

Have a look at the video below that shows the UFO sighting captured on July 26,2013 in northern Whitby, Ontario, Canada.

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