Yael Grobglas
Actress Yael Grobglas at the 2015 PaleyFest presentation for the TV show "Jane the Virgin" Wikimedia Commons/iDominick

"Supergirl," starring Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers/Supergirl, Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor and Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen/Guardian will be featured in the upcoming episode of the show titled "Triggers." It will air in the US on Oct. 16. It will show a new villain with psychic powers attacking National City.

Spoiler alert: This update has additional 'Supergirl' spoilers. Read on if you want to know about what will happen in 'Triggers.'

A CW press release indicates that "Supergirl" season 3, episode 2 will feature Psi ("Jane the Virgin" star Yael Grobglas). a powerful psychic thief, who will attack National City. She is able to tap into humans' worst fears and immobilise them. She will prove to be a difficult opponent for Kara, aka Supergirl. Meanwhile, Lena and James' relationship is at a standstill. Plus, Samantha/Reign (Odette Annable), will start her new job at L-Corp. Anna Musky-Goldwyn and Gabriel Llanas wrote the episode, which was directed by David McWhirter.

'Triggers' guest stars

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) lists Nicole Anthony and Ken Godmere as bank customers in this episode. They will be joined by Chelsea Gill as a bank teller, Andrea Brooks as Eve Teschmacher and Jimmy Sharma as an armed security guard. "Supergirl" cast members Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers, Jeremy Jordan (Winn Schott) and David Harewood as J'onn J'onzz / Hank Henshaw, will also appear in "Triggers."

'Supergirl' episodes: 'Girl of Steel, 'The Faithful, 'Midvale' and 'Wake Up'

"Girl of Steel" is the episode that will be aired on Oct. 9 prior to "Triggers." It will show Kara dealing with the disappearance of Mon-El (Chris Wood) by focusing on National City's new mysterious threat. Plus, Maggie (Floriana Lima) and Alex will have a serious conversation before their wedding, including a secret that needs to be told. "Girl of Steel" was directed by Jesse Warn. Its teleplay was written by Robert Rovner and Caitlin Parrish, while the story was written by Andrew Kreisberg. The next episodes after "Triggers" are "The Faithful," "Midvale" and "Wake Up." The air dates of the episodes have yet to be announced.

The CW's 'Supergirl,' 'Arrow,' 'The Flash' and 'Legends of Tomorrow' crossover

Watch out for the show's eighth episode because it will have another crossover with "Arrow" season 6, episode 8, "The Flash" season 4, episode 8 and "Legends of Tomorrow" season 3, episode 8. According to "The Good Doctor" director Larry Teng's Instagram account, he will have the honour of directing the new CW crossover episodes. "Supergirl" will air in Australia on Fox 8 beginning on Tuesday, Oct. 10. It airs in the US every Mondays at 8-9 pm ET/PT on The CW. Stay tuned for more updates about Kara and her super friends.