Celebrity author Diana Gabaldon has released two sample chapters from “Outlander” book 8 titled “Written in My Own Heart’s Blood.” A new paperback version of the book will be released on May 31, the author announced.

[Spoiler alert]

Gabaldon released two sample chapters from her next book on Facebook and both the chapters focused on the events surrounding William. The first chapter was about William interrupting a dinner party. He was not invited to that party and starts off nervously, without knowing what he would say when he enters.

Just then, William hears the voice of his uncle the Duke of Pardloe. He speaks to his uncle and manages to get introduced at the dinner. The conversation revolves around securing the release of Jane Pocock, who is under the protection of William. She is accused of stabbing a man 26 times and then slitting his throat.

The argument William puts forth in her defence is that she killed the man at a time when he was attempting to defile her sister. For those who know what happens next in “Written in My Own Heart’s Blood” may be excited for Jamie and William to be working together.

The other chapter Gabaldon posted on Facebook was a scene of Jamie and William together. The scene shows Jamie lying in bed late at night when he hears a knock on the door. William is there to seek his help.

Jamie also wonders if William is in love with this Jane that he is so desperate to save. She is not a friend or a lover, so William describes her and her sister as people he has taken under his protection.

William explained that he already met with his uncle and he has not been able to help. He also added that he resigned his commission. The two characters discuss the merits of saving the young woman and later proceeds to see her. The eight book in the “Outlander” series was released on June 2, 2015. “Written in My Won Heart’s Blood” releasing by this month end is smaller sized version of the book.