'Once Upon A Time'
Actress Jennifer Morrison and creator and executive producer Adam Horowitz, on the new series "Once Upon A Time" speak during a panel sesssion at the ABC Summer TCA Press Tour in Beverly Hills , California August 7, 2011. Reuters/Fred Prouser

“Once Upon A Time” season 7 is a reboot in a way, but some of the old characters that were left out have been making cameo appearances. This has opened the door for the possibility of other characters yet to make an appearance to return for a brief period of time. In a recent interview, the producers of the show commented specifically about this aspect.

Some of the characters who were supposed to be out this year but still made an appearance are Zelena (Rebecca Mader), young Henry Mills (Jared Gilmore), Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) and Belle (Emille de Ravin). The only other big characters on the show yet to make an appearance are the Charmings.

In a recent interview with TV Guide, executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Howard emphasised that they are still close to Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow White) and Josh Dallas (Prince Charming). However, on the question of whether or not these two characters will be seen on the show, the producers are yet to make up their minds.

Kitsis pointed out that the fantasy TV series is such that even dead characters have the option to come back at a later stage. The producer did not elaborate on the comment, so it isn’t clear if the Charmings died in the story. In any case, there is still a chance to see Goodwin and Dallas in Storybrooke or Hyperion Heights since the producers are open to the idea.

“Once Upon A Time” season 7 is currently on a mid-season break, and episode 11 will air on March 2, 2018. The plot will now focus mainly on Gothel (Emma Booth) as the main villain and Anastasia (Yael Yurman).