The pilot episode led the viewers on a cat-and-mouse chase that resulted in Brian (Jake Mcdorman) working for the FBI so that they can study him to know why he is immune to the side effects of the NZT. It is because Eddie (Bradley Cooper) is giving him immunity treatment, but Brian cannot tell the FBI that. In the second episode, Brian tells his family that he is working with the FBI. His sister does not believe him, but his dad knows that his son is telling the truth because he has got a liver transplant courtesy the FBI.

On his first day at the office, instead of getting a badge and a gun, Brian gets a stapler and a roll of tape. He has been given the task of staying at the office and learn Farsi. Upon popping the NZT pill, he learns Farsi within a couple of hours. Boyle and Rebecca, meanwhile, are going to investigate the death of a journalist named Stephen Fisher.

Soon, Brian, who is not supposed to work on any case, is also investigating Fisher's case and finds out that someone planted an electronic chip on the dead victim's car. He informs Rebecca about it, but FBI agents assigned to the case have already figured that out.

Rebecca orders him to remain confined inside the FBI office. Not too happy with the order, Brian stages a breakout after raking in some quick cash by playing baccarat. The FBI, however, locks him up and once again forbid him from leaving the FBI office, except when the day’s NZT finally wears off.

In this episode, Brian also starts digging into the man who is holding his life at his mercy, as he realises that he knows nothing about the Senator. He decides to look into Eddie via Google, but when he tries to do that, his computer suddenly shuts off, and his second attempt to search using the computer at his father's place not only results in the computer shutting off but there is a blackout as well.

Back at work, Brian tells the FBI that the mystery bomber Taurus, who killed the journalist, is Darren Cullen, the same security expert who appears on the news to talk about the bombings. Cullen fits the profile, and Harris and Boyle pay a visit to his garage where they discover build-your-own-bomb ingredients, linking him to the four bombing incidents, including the one involving the death of Fisher.

Cullen admits that he was hired by a construction guy who was being investigated by Fisher, but he denies that he killed him. He said that the chip he planted never went off. The autopsy report confirms that and also reveals that Fisher suffered a stroke that caused the car crash. Brian is not convinced so he stages another breakout to do his own investigation.

Brian discovers that Fisher is not the only guy who suffered a stroke after developing flu-like symptoms. The same thing happened to others who have same genetics as Genghis Khan. Brian comes up with a theory: There is a virus that targets specific genetic markers, and he is right on the dot there.

A coffee shop's surveillance footage shows a mysterious man spraying coffee cups with an aerosol. The investigating team soon finds out that the actual target was not Fisher, but a woman who was having an affair with a man. The man is the real target.

By the time the FBI gets to the actual target, the man is already suffering a stroke. Apparently, the guy is an army general who has the swing vote on whether to fund a research on biological weapons. If he votes against it, a biological firm, whose leader has a background on targeted viruses and Khan marker, will be destroyed.

The FBI, however, does not have real evidence to apply for a warrant to arrest the mastermind, and it is Brian again who saves the day. He asks the employees of the biological firm for the files, and as they are holding a huge grudge against their boss, they are too happy to provide all the files.

Brian gets his own badge after this successful operation. He then hires his father, who is a lawyer, to take advantage of the attorney-client privilege. He wants to come clean with him, but the entery of a new character, who is his father's home-nurse, puts a stop on that. The new caretaker works for Eddie, and she warns Brian that she will kill his father if he breathes a word about the NZT.

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