Aside from a number of actors and actresses currently being added to the cast of "Fifty Shades of Grey," producers are planning something else for the film. Rumour has it that fans of E.L. James erotica novel just might get what they've been asking for all along. Two versions of the film are said to be released with one version being extremely "dirty."

Producer Dana Brunetti has come up with a great idea. In an interview with Collider, the "Fifty Shades" producer claims he raised an idea of creating two versions for the erotica film.

"This is just my opinion and this doesn't mean this is going to happen, but I always thought it would be really cool if we released the R version and then we had an NC-17 version that we released a few weeks later," said Dana, adding, "So everybody could go and enjoy the R version, and then if they really wanted to see it again and get a little bit more gritty with it then have that NC-17 version out there as well. It'd be great for the studio too because they'd get a double dip on the box office."

Of course, this is just an opinion and nothing is final yet. Dana simply plans on pleasing the fans who have demanded an R-rated version of the film.

"What we're kind of hearing from the fans is they want it dirty, they want it as close as possible [to the book]," explained Brunetti, adding, "We want to keep it elevated but also give the fans what they want."

Of course, the final say would always be on the films' lead stars namely Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson. Would the lead stars for Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele agree to go "all out" for an extremely sexual film? Even if the stars agree, their significant others in real life would certainly have a say at it.

Hopefully, fans of the film franchise get their wish of having two versions of "Fifty Shades of Grey."