Despite already getting cast as Anastasia Steele, Dakota Johnson continues to receive a lot of negative comments about not being "fit" for the part. Well, Dakota has turned a deaf ear to critics. Instead of dropping the part like Charlie Hunnam, Dakota has delved into her role making her "understand" it better than any other suitable actress.

Fans of E.L. James best-selling erotica novel are enraged over the news that the film is set for a delay. After finally releasing official photos of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele, Universal Pictures made the announcement that the film is set for release on February 2014 rather than on August 2013.

While some fans blame Charlie Hunnam for the delay, executive producers claim this was a move planned long before Hunnam had decided to drop out from the part. Aside from the film release date being delayed, production has also been moved to December 2.

Of course, all the delays haven't affected the lead star, Dakota Johnson, who plays Anastasia Steele. For one, Dakota is taking all this time trying to understand her character better.

"I just really understand it," stated Johnson in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, adding, "I think it's an incredible love story and that's why it's affected so many people."

The actress also went on to praise the author, E.L. James for the "Twilight"-inspired novel.

"[EL James] did a really good job of explaining how that just can happen sometimes and you have this chemical pull to someone. Adding in the sex makes it perfect. Sometimes you feel a little bit naughty and that's okay" continued Johnson.

Dakota also went on to share her reaction after finally nabbing the part of Anastasia Steele.

"[When I got the call and] they said 'You got the offer' and I couldn't speak. I was just so relieved. I was crying and crying. Water was literally squirting out of my eyes because I had been so stressed out," shared Johnson.

"And there's this giant Doberman Pincher laying on the bed next to me. And he just slowly fell asleep. It was so special and [this dog] didn't give a f**k about me and what I was going through," continued the "Social Network" actress.