Clarence Clemons has asked what Meryll Streep’s character in “The Bridges of Madison County”, Francesca, had asked her family to do with her body when she died - - her ashes be scattered to honor her true love.

But Bruce Springsteen’s saxophone player had a lot of loves and he wanted not only his wife to have the opportunity in doing so, but all of his ex-wives.

According to a report by The Chronicle Herald Clemons had his favorite Hawaiian spot for his fifth wife, Victoria to scatter his ashes to when he dies. But his wishes also included not robbing his previous wives the chance to share this moment as he asked Victoria to bring his ashes with “all of the special women in his life”: his ex wives.

Clemons is the saxophone player for Springsteen’s E Street Band who died Saturday at 69. As she paid tribute to her husband at the memorial service held at the Royal Poinciana Chapel Tuesday, Victoria vowed to grant Clemons his wishes.

The memorial service noted The Chronicle Herald began later than scheduled for some last-minute rehearsals of the services at the chapel. As expected, Bruce Springsteen, Jackson Brown and the E Street Band performed during the service, which was followed by a private reception for 150 invited guests.

Springsteen paid tribute to Clemons whom he described as “big in heart and spirit”.

Springsteen said: "Clarence was a man of unconditional love, but his love came with a lot of conditions," he said, drawing chuckles and murmurs of agreement from many in the assemblage. "He was a complex guy . . . an ongoing project. But when you were in his presence, it was like being in a sovereign nation."

Watch the Video as Clemons' family and friends arrive at the service by