Cast member Angelina Jolie poses at the premiere of "Maleficent"
Cast member Angelina Jolie poses at the premiere of "Maleficent" at El Capitan theatre in Hollywood, California May 28, 2014. The movie opens in the U.S. on May 30. REUTERS

Angelina Jolie isn’t having a great week. First, she had learnt she was called an untalented spoilt brat by her husband Brad Pitt’s “Moneyball” producer in an email, then she bumped into the recipient of that email. And as if those weren’t enough, she has been forced to cancel all her public appearances for “Unbroken” after getting chickenpox.

On Friday, Universal Pictures uploaded a video of Jolie, who says she is cancelling all her planned public schedule for a good reason. The “Unbroken” director caught chickenpox the night before, and therefore won’t be able to show up to events.

“I just want to be clear and honest about why I will be missing the ‘Unbroken’ events in the next few days. It’s just that I found out last night that I have chickenpox, so I will be home itching and missing everyone and I can’t believe it because this film means so much to me,” a bare-faced Jolie in white tank top says in the video, her spots visible on her face and chest.

“I can’t believe it, but such is life, there it is. Send everyone my love and hope everything goes well,” she concludes.

The Academy Award winner still appears to be in good spirits despite being upset for missing her film promotions. She didn’t mention how she got the contagious disease, though as she and Pitt have six children in the house, it’s possible that one or more of the children, or possible even Pitt, also have it.

Chickenpox isn’t the only thing that has bothered the actress. The Sony Pictures massive cyber attack has also somehow affected her.

Leaked emails of studio co-chairman Amy Pascal and producer Scott Rudin have leaked, and some of those emails have her as their topic. Rudin was angry at Pitt’s wife for insisting to have David Fincher as the director of her planned film “Cleopatra.” Rudin told Pascal to “shut Angie down,” before calling her a “minimally talented spoiled brat” in one of the emails.

Other emails between the two studio executives also revealed Rudin and Pascal exchanging jokes about U.S. President Barack Obama’s race. In separate statements, they have issued their apologies to everyone who has been hurt with their conversation, though they didn’t specifically mention anyone.

Angelina Jolie a ‘Minimally Talented Spoiled Brat,’ Producer Scott Rudin Says in Leaked Sony Pictures Emails

Sony Pictures Hack: Co-Chairman Amy Pascal, Producer Scott Rudin Joke About US President Barack Obama’s Race in Leaked Emails

On Wednesday, Jolie bumped into Pascal, and their meeting was, of course, photographed and distributed online. The two were at The Hollywood Reporter’s Women in Entertainment Power 100 Breakfast in Hollywood when they were seen together for a short while. From the looks of it, one of them wasn’t happy to see the other.

In the photo, Pascal appeared to be coming to Jolie for a hug, but the mother of six wasn’t having any of her public display of affection. As observers noted, Jolie seemed to be giving Pascal a death stare. Their meeting happened just hours after Pascal and Rudin’s emails were leaked to the public.

See the awkward-looking photo here.