According to a report, the late singer is currently on the process of adopting a 10-year-old girl from St. Lucia when her life was cut short on July 23.

The Sunday Mirror reported that the singer spent the last three years visiting the Caribbean island of St. Lucia because she "wanted" to adopt a girl named Dannika Agustine. Dannika, now aged 10, says she already calls the singer "mum" even before the adoption was finalized. "Amy was already my mother. I would call her mum and she would call me her daughter" claims the girl in a report by the NY Daily News. It was also said that the singer, who died last week, had already hired lawyers to process the adoption.

Dannika's grandmother, Marjorie Lambert, who runs a beach bar in St. Lucia's Cotton Bay Village Resort, says the singer was dedicated and serious about the adoption endeavor. "Amy wanted to have a child so bad. If she had not died, there is no doubt she would be here in St Lucia completing the adoption process" says Lambert in the same NY Daily News report. The 57-year-old grandmother also indicated that Dannika's parents both agreed to hand over their daughter to the British singer. Dannika's mother, 31-year-old Nadia Germaine, says her struggle to find a steady job made her decide positively on the adoption. "I thanked Amy for taking care of my daughter" says Germaine in the same report.

But the singer's untimely death led to the unfinished processing of the adoption. No statements from the Winehouse family have been released regarding this uncanny decision from the troubled singer. "She was the most amazing person and I was looking forward to living with her here or in London. I cannot believe she is gone. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me" mournfully claims the 10-year-old Carribean girl in the same post.