For iOS 7 themes to work on iOS 7 devices and the iPhone 5S with an Apple A7 processor, jailbreak users need the latest version of WinterBoard for iOS 7.

WinterBoard is an app that manages themes for iOS users, allowing them to easily toggle Cydia themes on and off without knowing about the iOS 7 and iPhone backend.

There's some good news for iPhone users. Jay Freeman, also known as Saurik, has recently updated WinterBoard with support for iOS7 and the iPhone 5S' 64-bit processor. While WinterBoard 0.9.3912 adds support for iOS7, Saurik said Wallpapers are not supported. He added, "Wallpaper (whether html, png or any crazy format that I should never have added to WinterBoard) is not supported on iOS 7 now :(. Please be patient, there's a lot to fix."

The iOS 7 jailbreak arrived in 2013 and updates enabled a great collection of iOS 7 Cydia changes for users to utilize. The latest update adds in on the fun, unlocking the ability to deliver improved themes on iOS 7 devices.

Saurik also tweeted: "WinterBoard 0.9.3912 which was just released runs on iOS 7 and appears compatible with ARM 64, theme artists are encouraged to report any bugs/crashes." Along with the compatibility update, the WinterBoard icon was also redesigned, in line with the flat design language of iOS 7.

There is also the Obscure 7 for iOS 7 WinterBoard theme that even comes complete with a video demo. It has been widely popular for iOS users, saying it's one of the best themes around for jailbroken iOS 7 devices. Both Cydia Substrate and WinterBoard update are live on Cydia. Users simply need to head over to the changes tab in Cydia and tap Upgrade All to get on to the latest version.

Earlier, Saurik claimed WinterBoard is not going to be updated for iOS 7 unless the theming community begins contributing and thankfully, it looks like he has gathered community support. Users should take note that though WinterBoard itself has been updated, themes might need to be updated and even if they're updated with the latest version, there might still be some bugs and crashes.