Sure, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 may have a longer battery life. According to rumors, it may feature wireless charging that suits an even more powerful battery, which will last longer than the lithium ion battery of Note 3.

But for now, those who own Galaxy Note 2 --- five million world-wide as of November 2012--- will just have to make do with the 3100 maH battery, still a big improvement from the 25000 maH battery of its predecessor.

The biggest battery drainers for the Note 2 are the 1.6 Ghz quad-core processor, the 5.5-inch SuperAMOLED display and the 3G/4G LTE connectivity. The first step to prolong the battery life of your device is to minimize the features that use these specs extensively.

We compiled five tips that may help you prolong the battery life of your favorite phablet from Samsung:

1. Use Dark Wallpapers

Use a dark wallpapers. These do not use any computing power nor require the display to be very bright. In contrast, live wallpapers will drain your battery faster since they consume CPU/RAM resources as well as use the display more extensively.

2. Kill Battery Intensive Apps

Some apps run continuously even if you are not actively using them. These apps prevent your Note 2 from going into a “deep sleep” mode that help conserve energy. Go to you settings (Setting > Battery) to see which apps drain you battery the most. Disable these apps when you are not using them to help save energy, and hence prolong the battery live of your Samsung device.

3. Avoid Pulling Battery Off the Device

The battery of smartphones have golden pins at the bottom neatly placed in a socket inside the device. Pulling the battery off your Note 2 may expose these pins to scratches and dusts. Use soft clothe to clean the battery to avoid damaging the battery.

4. Ditch the Originally Battery in Favor of Mugen Power

Mugen Power released a new battery specifically suited for themulti-tasking capacity of Galaxy Note 2. It more than double the power of the ordinary battery, from 3100 maH to 6400 maH. The downside is, it adds bulk to the device. But if you are willing to trade sleekness in favor of more power, then give the battery from Mugen Power a try.

5. Plug It When It Down to 10%0%

Charge your Galaxy Note 2 when it reaches 10% battery power level. This will help you prolong your power as it drains much slower from this level, than say, 20% down to10%. Additionally, charge it in a power source that does not fluctuate like a wall socket, rather than through USB.

These tips may help you prolong the battery life of your Samsung Galaxy Note 2, that is until it's time to upgrade when the Galaxy Not 3 is unleased in the phablet market. If you have tips of your own, share it with us and we'll be happy to let our readers know.