Amid the gender wars between Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the Liberal "men in blue ties," Hollywood actor Russell Crowe made it known which side of the fence he's in as he expressed support for the often criticised but equally hard-hitting lady leader on social media.

Crowe, famous for his role as General Maximus Decimus Meridius in the film "The Gladiator," revealed his true political inclination and even threw some kind words for the PM via Twitter.

On Tuesday, he tweeted: "Bull***t & party politics aside...M. Turnbull would be a great prime minister."

"Julia G is my choice, though. Leader through tough times."

Should there still be questions which candidates Crowe is gunning for in the September 14 elections?

It was good for some people to see the Aussie actor getting immersed in the political debate back home, although it drew varied reactions from Twitterverse. Most were gladdened and lauded his honest and candid remarks, while others criticised and expressed cynicism.

Lawyer Chris Murphy was one of those who were pleased. "Proud of @russellcrowe. Loves his Australia," he tweeted.

"Standing up for our PM Julia Gillard. Nothing to gain and the courage to speak out #auspol."

The latest federal gender wars began when Ms. Gillard dragged the issue of abortion into the political debate, and then called Tony Abbott a male chauvinist. She accused Abbott of potentially alienating Australian women and changing abortion rights.

The tirade was later justified by a "Julia Gillard Kentucky Fried Quail - Small Breasts. Huge Thighs & A Big Red Box" menu offering at a mock Liberal Party fundraiser. The mock menu spread around, obviously taking pot shots at the prime minister's physical attributes.

Following this gender issues dominated debate, Labor's primary support fell to 29 points in the Nielsen poll released on Tuesday.

According to Nielsen chief John Stirton, the fall is attributed to the drop in support from male voters, most likely turned off by the excessive sexist remarks particularly from the outspoken lady PM.