Brain Scan
A brain scan in an undated image Reuters/Handout

Seems like action video games, or AVGs, aren't that bad for health. A latest research has claimed that playing AVGs can actually enhance the gray matter in the brain of its gamers. In addition, AVGs can improve the connectivity between identified subregions in their brain.

AVGs are already known to improve the eye-hand coordination and the attention skills in the gamers. However, the latest study conducted by the researchers in China has revealed how AVGs can also help enhance gray matter in the brain, a factor which attributes to better memory and cognitive ability in an individual.

During the study, the researchers analysed the brain of 27 expert gamers who were either regional or national champions. The researchers used functional MRIs to conduct the thorough study of the brain of the subjects. They used the data from the subjects to compare it with another group of 30 amateur AVGs. The researchers concluded that master AVGs had an enhanced anterior and posterior insular subregions. Hence, an experience with AVG was linked to increased neuroplasticity or brain's enhanced ability to maintain stronger connections, cognitive ability and memory.

“By comparing AVG experts and amateurs, we found that AVG experts had enhanced functional connectivity and grey matter volume in insular subregions. Furthermore, AVG experts exhibited increased functional connectivity between the attentional and sensorimotor networks, and the experience-related enhancement was predominantly evident in the left insula, an understudied brain area. Thus, AVG playing may enhance functional integration of insular subregions and the pertinent networks therein,” states the research abstract.

Various studies in the past have also explored the impact of video games on the gamers. A previous study linked the exposure of AVGs to greater cortical thickness in certain regions of the brain. On the other hand, a child who is exposed to the storytelling technique used in the video games possesses greater social and emotional skills. However, a few individuals are still not convinced about the benefits of playing AVGs.

“I’d suspect that if the two are exclusive, exercising 30 minutes a day is better for overall cognition than video gaming. All tasks that take time will have a noticeable effect on the brain. It’s a plastic organ,” said DiogenesInHisJar, a Reddit user.

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