It is Castor male clones versus Leda female clones in “Orphan Black” Season 3, as the arrival of the male clones is set to stir the pot. With the clone world expanding, the female clones may find themselves fighting new threats. The first sneak peek from the new season hints at new battles ahead for Sarah Manning and her sister clones because of the male clones.

Scarface Rudy (Ari Millen), the male clone who was introduced in “Orphan Black” Season 2 finale, and Sarah Manning (Tatania Maslany) can be seen in the sneak peek video. Rudy calls Sarah a “legend” while Sarah calls him a “myth.” She wants to know his name or serial number. He ignores that and is seen saying, “You’re made of good stuff, aren’t you.” He wants her to come closer and Sarah tells him she met one of his brothers and kicked him in the face. She is talking about the prolethean clone, Mark.

Sarah is in for a shock, as Rudy seems to know her family members, including Felix (Jordan Gavaris), Mrs S (Maria Doyle Kennedy) and Kira (Skyler Wexler). Sarah is seen attacking him when he says, “A child, how special you are.” She warns him that if he comes near her family, she will kill him. He counters “count your sisters” and sports a fiendish smile.

There is no doubt that Rudy has all the information on Sarah while she has just opened the first page on male clones. Millen has told Entertainment Weekly that the male clones know a lot about Sarah and her sisters than they know about them. He also said, “... they’ve got something that we want.”

Also, it has been revealed that Castor clones were raised to be part of a group. The men clones are self aware and according to Graeme Manson, co-creator of the critically acclaimed show, as quoted by, they "were raised like a little wolf pack in a military-type setting.”

Manson also said that one of the themes that they are exploring in Season 3 of “Orphan Black” is “are we stronger together” as the clash between the clones escalates with each episode. He also said that the new season will deal with the question of how far one would go to protect someone they love.

[Youtube/BBC America]

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