Siri is the new function for the iPhone 4s that is said to be an intelligent A.I. An old version of the Siri available is no longer available for free in the Apple App Store.

The old version of Siri is a search engine with voice recognition. In the last Apple event it was claimed that the free Siri is an incomplete version because of the hardware limitation of the iPhone 4 and below. Version of Siri downloaded before the app was dropped from the App Store notifies the users that it will cease to function in Oct. 15.

"I've been replaced! The new Siri is even smarter and better-looking than me, and waiting for you on the iPhone 4S. I'll be leaving for home Oct. 15th." says the app when launched.

The new Siri is said to be capable of more than search. It can take dictations, launch apps, read notifications, schedule events and send messages on sms or email. It is only available on the iPhone 4s, the new iteration of the iPhone 4 launched in the "Let's Talk iPhone" event last Oct. 4.

Siri was bought by Apple along with the company that made it back in April 2010 2 months after going public. The Siri is based on military research on artificial intelligence born from the CALO program founded by Darpa.

The iPhone 4S will be available in Oct 14 in US, Canada, Australia, UK, France, Germany and Japan. With a 16GB model for $199 US, a 32GB model for $299 US and a 64GB version for $399 US.