The Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8 devices can provide its users with numerous applications designed to help in making daily activities easier. Listed below are 6 Nokia Lumia Apps that can help the smart phone owners get through a busy and stressful day at work as well as monitoring health conditions like blood pressure, BMI and heart rate.

The 6 Nokia Lumia Apps helpful in the workplace and health monitor are:

1. Meeting Planner. This application can help in organizing numerous meeting schedules instead of searching the monthly calendar for a spare time.

The Meeting Planner will be able to find the next available meeting slot with a Live Tile so this information can be easily viewed. Now, the question "When are you free for the meeting?" can be easily answered with just a look at the Meeting Planner Live Tile.

2. Conference Caller. It is an App that can identify the scheduled conference calls where important details like Meeting ID, PIN number and phone number are automatically picked out.

Afterwards, the Nokia Lumia owner can join the conference call with just a single tap on the smart phone icon. If there is a recurring conference call or a very important one, users can pin it on the Nokia Lumia Start screen.

3. Power Project. This Nokia Lumia App allows the owners to create and assign different tasks on a project. The Power Project App does not really do the tasks but it will guide the users on how long will they be able to complete them.

Once the Power Project is set up, the app will help in ensuring that deadlines are met and everything is right on schedule. Multiple projects can be created at the same time and be pinned at the Start screen as Live Tiles. Sending the projects to SkyDrive can be done as well.

4. Medical Wallet. It is an App that can monitor the users' health conditions such as weight, BMI, allergies, blood pressure and blood glucose.

Prescriptions can be tracked as well with this health application without the fear of losing important information because Medical Wallet is included in Microsoft's HealthVault service. Additionally, a digital pedometer is available where locations of nearby medical centers and gyms can be searched.

5. EatSmart. It is an application that helps in monitoring health with the provided nutritional information on different food and drink intake.

Every food and drink type is listed with the important health facts like calories, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fat and fatty acids. Meals available at the popular fast food restaurants are listed on this app as well.

6. Runtastic. Exercise is another crucial factor in a healthy lifestyle and this app will be very helpful. It can track the runs or walks conducted through GPS with the information on how many calories were burned and other statistics such as speed, time and distance.

All of the data will be saved in order to monitor the progress made over a certain period of time. A Live Tile for the app is available so the users can easily view the health details.