Photographers for the UK magazine Centrefold made a different approach on fashion photography by ditching their high-powered lenses in exchange of Nokia Lumia 1020 for the magazine's tenth issue.

Though the quality of the photographs is a bit short compared to professional cameras, the shots taken by Lumia 1020 is truly impressive. The photographs were taken from different places including Mexico, New York, Paris, South Africa, the UK and China by the magazines professional photographers such as Damon Baker, Peter Hill, Tang Ting, Peter Hill, and others.

The Centrefold Issue #10 with the title "Beyond" showcases four covers featuring different models. The images taken by Nokia Lumia 1020 are creatively layouted and placed on full-bleed A2 spreads. Mr. Andrew Hobbs, the magazine's Editor-in-Chief in his editor's note imposed a question of what could top photographers can possibly do using a smartphone. He acknowledge the emergence and the rising popularity of citizen's photography as well as the endless possibilities in creation of imagery brought by the everyday use of smartphones.

"Today, Smart phones fill that space between the instantaneous gratification that came with the iconic Polaroid and the point and shoot camera," wrote Mr. Hobbs in his note on the Web site of Centrefold Magazine. He added that Smartphones are portable, continually improving, and making a difference in the way people use cameras from shooting, editing, and printing.

The "Beyond" issue of Centrefold is a must see not only for photography lovers, but for techie geeks who wanted to see how far a smartphone camera can take creative imagery. This open doors for aspiring photographers who cannot afford high-end cameras and expensive lenses that they can practice their art using the most accessible gadget nowadays-Smartphones.

Meanwhile, the Centrefold project is just one of the series of promotional campaigns for Nokia's 41-megapixel shutter. Nokia also commissioned prized National Geographic photographer Stephen Alvarez to capture the landscapes of the American West using the Lumia 1020.

There is no doubt that Nokia is taking the camera game seriously. Previously, the brand made a bold move by challenging Sony on a camera duel with Sony's new flagship, the Xperia Z2 against their very own Nokia Lumia 1020.

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