The rumoured Black Friday release date of the Nexus 10 2 is gaining more steam following reports that Google is accelerating the scheduled jump of existing Nexus devices to Android 4.4 or KitKat.

Binaries and factory images for the Nexus 4, the Nexus 7 (for the 2012 and 2013 models) and the first Nexus 10 have all appeared on Google's developer page. Such development, according to Gotta Be Mobile, signals the KitKat unwrapping for the gadgets, likely to happen soon.

And the inevitable will follow suit, the much-awaited Nexus 10 2 touchdown, which Android watchers said will coincide with the 2013 Black Friday week. Target date is from Nov 22 to Nov 29, the exact day when the annual U.S. sales mania breaks loose.

The assumption makes sense as Google would surely want to ride with the Black Friday fever to effectively market its full-sized tablet, which is touted as the major challenger to Apple's 9.7-inch iPad Air.

By gunning for the very busy retail week, the tech giant is looking to capture a big audience for the Nexus 10 in an instance, boosting its chances of giving the regular-sized iPad a tight fight going into this year's lucrative holiday season.

Now with the Google developer site seemingly a busy hive lately, indicators only fly out that the global KitKat rollout is in full blast. The likelihood is Google would want its new mobile to be in place prior to the completion of its 2013 Nexus device line up.

Only two possibilities are seen to happen. Either the Nexus 10 2 will debut a few days before KitKat inhabits the old Nexus devices or the new Android sweet is unwrapped a number of days right after the Black Friday madness.

Any of the two scenarios should be acceptable to the Android community as the biggest Nexus seems to be worth the wait, based on leaked specs and features attached to the tablet.

From the heft that was shown last year, the new Nexus 10 is expected to shed considerable dimensions - becoming thinner and lighter to tussle it out in equal measures with the slimmed down iPad Air.

It should also sport an enhanced outer appearance, ditching the thick bezels of the last build while maintaining its 10.1-inch screen that is optimal both for productivity and entertainment use.

While flashing a sexier frame, the power under the hood is nothing short of impressive with the tablet to be fired up by the tandem of a quad-core 2.3GHz Snapdragon 800 chip and 2GB of RAM. An Adreno 330 GPU should fuel its Retina-busting screen resolution.

Also, fresh reports suggest that from Samsung, Google has tapped LG to build the large-screen tablet, which killed off earlier insinuations that Asus was the chosen maker.

Release date, as mentioned, of the Google Nexus 10 2013 edition should occur between now and the Black Friday week, with Nov 27 as the latest revelation time.