(Video Credit: YouTube/J7409)

For years, it has been a tough challenge for various astrophysicists to discover other planets that can serve as the second version of Earth. Most of the exoplanets spotted turn out to be some chunks of rock or maybe gigantic bodies of gas.

However, Dr Nicolas Cowen came up with new research that suggests some of these planets called Super Earths will have land masses and oceans due to liquid exerted on its tectonic plates, News.com.au wrote. He further explained in his website how he constructs the maps of these distant planets just by monitoring its colour and brightness that changes with time.

He insisted too that before anyone starts planning to live in any of these possibly new worlds, it's the gravity that should be thought about first. With gravity being three times much stronger than that of the Earth's, then it could be a challenge to live in alien planets.

India Times also reported the possibility of remote planets that are of the same size as the Earth to potentially support life even beneath its rocky and cold surface. The study was made by researchers from London-based universities like the St Andrews in UK and other academic institutions within Aberdeen.

"As you get deeper below a planet's surface, the temperature increases, and once you get down to a temperature where liquid water can exist, life can exist there too," Sean McMahon of the University of Aberdeen stated. He explained that surface of other rocky planets may be different from the Earth's composition but if living happens below its surface, then it can possibly be a habitable zone.

The team of researchers even came up with a computer model that will estimate the level of temperature right below the planet's surface at a certain distance from its star.

On other alien planet news, another team of scientists from the University of Chicago reported some cloudy weather on another super Earth class planet, The Guardian News stated. It is called as the GJ1214b due to its mass falling between that of Neptune and Earth. Its atmosphere led the scientists to possible interpretations with one discovering that it consists mainly of water vapour or it could contain some high altitude clouds.