(Video Credit: YouTube/Jason Hunter)

A mysterious looking rock appeared right in front of NASA's Mars Opportunity Rover which reportedly appears like a jelly doughnut.

Experts and NASA exploration scientists stated that they have never seen anything like the doughnut rock before, that it got all of them confused. Belfast Telegraph UK wrote that the rock is now being inspected and investigated by the measuring tools of the Opportunity Rover.

Its appearance has no explanation too whatsoever and it was discovered by the rover when it was taking pictures of the same spot on Mars for about a month. The scientists from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory based in California have been monitoring the pictures that NASA sends.

The discovery has led NASA issuing a status report from Mars that they have stumbled upon a "surprise" which made the rover's lead scientist say how the planet "keeps throwing new things at us." "We saw this rock just sitting here. It looks white around the edge in the middle and there's a low spot in the centre that's dark red - it looks like a jelly doughnut," Steve Squyres shared to a JPL event.

Mr. Squyres' team said that they had two theories on how the rock got to where they discovered it. One of them is that it may have been that it was caused by a meteor since there was a nearby hole that has smoke. The other probable cause is that it may have been flicked by one of the wheels of their rover. However, the lead scientist said that the second theory is the more believable cause.

However, when they have started investigating on the composition of the jelly like part of the rock, they discovered it was high in sulphur, magnesium and manganese.

Independent UK reports that up to this moment, the discovery of the doughnut looking rock with some kind of jelly remains confusing which makes everyone in the team arguing over it. But Mr. Squyres emphasized that the beauty of it all is the chance to discover something new and wonderful that is beyond what their minds can reach with every opportunity they spend on their Mars mission.

The NASA Opportunity rover has been roaming the planet beyond the original plan of a three-month mission. It started when Spirit was declared dead way back in 2010 as it lost contact with Earth.