Our world is full of mysteries. Dream is one of the many unexplained activities of our brain. We all escape reality and drive to sleep making us unconscious. We recover when we wake up then we are back to reality. This mysterious state of our brain is complicated making our psychologists to examine it logically.

As an outcome, researchers calculated how the brain works as the sleeper lies active. But the curiosity has lately resumed seeking actual interaction within the dream world.

Understanding the world of consciousness is called lucid dream, where people became mindful that they are dreaming and can manipulate what occurs in their dreams. This experience of lucid dreaming is not common. When attempting to study experience or behavior, mental scientists commonly use subjective reports, what people illustrate about their experience using social tests to know whether it has an effect on how people reason, act or remember.

But both are difficult for dreamers because they can't clearly remember what occurred to their dreams when they wake up because they are experiencing a sleep-induced paralysis. This is triggered by neurons in the brainstem that hinders signals from the action-generating areas in the brain to the spinal nerves and muscles. This happens when rapid eye movement (REM) sleep starts, meaning that dreaming of even the most energetic actions results in no more than a slight twitch.

Stephen LaBerge, a sleep specialist, first confirmed the sleepers can signal to the researchers when they are already in their lucid dream by using prearranged eye movements. Indicators like when the person shifts their eyes in the approved way in the dream were detected using the electrodes positioned around the eye sockets. These studies give way to know that people experiencing lucid dream are conscious but relaxed, even if it is fake, asserting to be having a dream even if they are not.

Some of the most fascinating readings included in dream experiments were dreamers requested to do prearranged actions in their lucid dreams while using eye movements to signal the beginning and end of their dreams. Some scientists used the possibility of lucid dreaming to improve the science of consciousness. But the world of consciousness is still a vast exploration for people.