Activision has released a teaser for the coming "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3." The trailer claims it is the most anticipated game in history and the franchise is a worldwide phenomenon. Is their claim true?

"Modern Warfare 3" is the third game in the "Modern Warfare" series that has departed from the "Call of Duty" formula of having the games in the World War I or II setting. The game is a first-person shooter and is more prominent with its multiplayer mode.

The plot for "Modern Warfare 3" follows the events after the previous game with Vladimir Makarov heading the ultranationalists of Russia in an invasion against the United States. The action takes the player in various countries like England, France and Germany. There are other locations planned for the game like Somalia, Dubai and Moscow.

The trailer shows for its opening soldiers getting ready in London and France. It later continues into gunbattles and explosions while narrating the hunt for Vladimir Makarov. The trailer ends with it stating that the game would be released in Nov. 18, 2011.

While this game looks to be one of the must-haves at the end of the year, it faces stiff competition against "Battlefield 3" in the FPS genre. The overall determinant of who would be the better FPS between the two would be the quality of its multiplayer service. "Battlefield 3" has EA DICE servers to backup the expected multitude of players and "Modern Warfare 3" had Activision confirm that the PC version would have a dedicated server support.

They have also claimed that it would be the most balanced multiplayer game yet by removing the reliance of unlockables and focusing on "strike packages." The strike packages are game perks that is gained for every point gained in the match whether it would be killing opponents or capturing the flag. Below is the teaser video they had released for the game.