Minecraft news: ‘Pocket Edition’ Beta 0.14.0 on Android, new snapshot 16W03A and ‘Minecraft Education Edition’ details arrive

Two new updates, each for the Android version of “Minecraft Pocket Edition” and the PC versions, have been released. Mojang has announced that these updates include a new mobile update and snapshot available for download.
Over at the official Mojang blog, the developer announced that a new beta test is available for Android, dubbed the “Pocket Edition” Beta 0.14.0. The update introduces quite a number of new items, including cauldrons, maps, hoppers, dispensers and droppers. Witches will also be included in the update alongside pumpkin hats and Mob Head hats. There will also be slime blocks, red sandstone, double trapped chests and repeaters and comparators.
The update also features a number of tweaks, such as better textures, better slime spawning and a 15 percent chance for baby zombie to want to become a jockey. There is also a long list of bug fixes, including crashes, performance and spawning issues, all of which have been identified by the developer.
Since this is a beta, players do need to opt in to the program, and make sure that they have both an Android device that can run the “Minecraft Pocket Edition” and that this version should have been purchased straight from the Google Play Store.
Also, for those who love testing recent releases for “Minecraft” PC, the developer has released a new snapshot called the Snapshot 16w03a. According to Mojang, there are still some bugs from the earlier snapshot, since the team focused on other issues leading towards the release of “Minecraft 1.9.”
Previously, developer Mojang has also announced that it will be releasing a “Minecraft: Education Edition,” which comes in partnership with Minecraft Education. Now according to ZDNet, while the goal of the “Minecraft Education Edition” was to have content written in C++ instead of the old Java, there may be some complications that can prove crucial to the game.
According to the report, since it is not written using the old Java version, “Minecraft Education Edition” seem to be incompatible with the older versions. The developer has not yet confirmed how much of the old version will be translated onto the C++ version. Considering that the title will just come into the beta run, the developer may have more details once this pushes through.
"Minecraft Education Edition" in action (Credit: YouTube/Minecraft Education Edition)