Did you know that apart from the fact that the scares are set to happen this Halloween, astrologers are saying that everyone should be aware of the bad luck that may happen between Oct 21 and Nov 10, 2013? This craze that's been going around on the Net is what the planetary experts call as the Mercury Retrograde.

(Video Credit: YouTube/Robin Collier)

Mercury Retrograde Definition

HuffingtonPost reports that astrologers believe that each planet out there in the universe brings a certain kind of influence on the world and the people who live in it. With this, the planet Mercury is believed to rule much of the communication systems that happen between individuals, whether it is talking, texting or maybe writing.

When people find themselves misunderstanding each other too much or saying the wrong words without intending it, or maybe your computer crashes and the likes, then the possible reason is the Mercury is going through a retrograde.

This has actually happened three times this year already when most become prone to committing mistakes and even turns out forgetful.

How to Avoid Bad Luck During Mercury Retrograde

Be more organised when scheduling meet-ups, whether personal or business. If you do not want to experience any cancellations or confusion with dates, then avoid booking any meeting or seminars during the dates that the Mercury Retrograde falls.

Avoid purchasing things for the next several weeks. Unless you want to regret discovering after the purchase that there was something wrong with it.

Steer away from signing any contract or getting into any kind of agreement during the retrograde. It can possibly lead to serious revisions or you may severely miss out on some of its most important details.

There is no assurance whether all these are true for your luck relies on what you choose to believe in. However, if you do not want to take much risks, then it won't hurt if you take some of these advice for caution and wait until Nov 10 is over.