
A new search engine that looks like a child-friendly version of Google has been launched, and it’s heavily filtered. Kiddle uses Google’s technology but keeps Internet searching safe for children by excluding “bad words” and certain sites.

Kiddle allows safe Internet-searching and uses simple languages for children. Although it is not officially Google, it uses a Google custom search bar to filter adult content for its target users.

The first three results of a search are safe sites and pages written specifically for kids. According to Kiddle, these results are handpicked and checked by its editors. Fourth to seventh results are safe and trusted sites that are not specifically written for kids but have easy to understand and simple content. Results eight onwards are safe and famous sites that are written for adults and provide expert content. These sites, filtered by Google safe search, are harder for kids to understand.

Search results in the site are either handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors or filtered by Google safe search. This means that users “get kid-oriented results without any explicit content.” If a user searches for non-approved words, its guard robot will block the search.

For example, a search for the word “transsexual” and “bisexual” will take users to a warning page.

“You have entered an LGBT related search query. Please realise that while Kiddle has nothing against the LGBT community, it’s hard to guarantee the safety of all the search results for such queries. We recommend that you talk to your parent or guardian about such topics,” the site reads.

A search for the word “transgender,” on the other hand, will result to resource sites for kids about the topic. “Guns” and “violence” are examples of “bad words” that are not allowed in the site.

Parents and guardians can also request for additional keyword and site-blocking by filling out forms. The site will review the request before it takes action.