Move over Kim K, Fergie is indeed has thrown the the "it" baby shower for this year!

Mommy-to-be Mrs. Josh Duhamel, Fergie, 38, called her baby shower "Ferg's Gayby Shower."

Earlier Fergie, the only female singer of the group Black Eyed Peas tweeted ,"It's gayby shower day! He's trying to talk!." She further added "Say My Name," with a speech bubble on. And we can't argue the mommy-to-be is truly effervescent at this stage of her pregnancy.

It is confirmed to be a baby boy for the couple. The baby should turn out to be gay is more than welcome in this world, as mommy's roster of gay friends waits. It was truly a celebrity filled engagement with the following celebrities seen such as Adam Lambert, Lance Bass, Ru Paul, and Perez Hilton to name a few. There was also a troupe of burlesque drag queens who performed. The group provided entertainment for the party-goers.

Soon-to-be-mum Kelly Osbourne was also photographed during the vent together with fiancée Matthew Mosshart. Among the other celebrities who attended were, Julianne Hough, Molly Sims, and Gabriel Aubry.

The mommy-to-be host Fergie, her own wine aptly labeled "Patron Fergaritas." She didn't drank a single drop though during the entire baby bash.

The stars dressed appropriately to comply to theme that is "black, white, and blue." The motif was evident on the four-tiered cake showcased and served during the event. It has the confection "BABY" on it with a teddy bear with Xs for its eyes, as told to People.

There is no confirmation, however if in-fact Josh Duhamel is fine or comfortable to have a gay son.