Online piracy is illegal, but what if the owner himself wants people to take his stuff? The developer of “Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number” is encouraging Australians to pirate the game after it was banned from release in the country.

The 2-D action video game has recently been Refused Classification, or effectively banned, by the Australian Classification Board because of an implied rape scene in the game. The board explicitly forbids sexualised violence in video games, and the game sequel apparently has one.

According to the board’s report, as obtained by, the ruling was based on a sequence titled “Midnight Animal,” in which the protagonist bursts into what appears to be a movie set and kills people. When he sees a woman in a red underwear, he knocks her down to the floor before mounting her. The protagonist is then seen lowering his pants, exposing half of his buttocks, which implies that he is raping her.

Developer Dennaton Games and publisher Devolver Games explained that the players may wish not to view the scene if they choose to skip it. But while they are disappointed with the Classification Board’s decision, they will not challenge the ruling.

With the game banned in Australia, its Aussie fans are concerned on how to get the game legally. A “Hotline Miami” fan expressed this concern to game developer Jonatan Söderström, telling him that he feels bad about piracy so he asked for a suggestion on how he can legally obtain the game. The fan, named Max Cartwright in the screenshot he posted on Reddit, even offered to send him money as payment for the game.

Söderström, however, suggested a more selfless suggestion to the fan. He encouraged him to pirate the game once it is released this 2015.

“If it ends up not being released in Australia, just pirate it after release. No need to send us any money, just enjoy the game! Peace,” Söderström wrote.

His response sounds too good to be true coming from a developer, but it is legitimately from him. A rep from Devolver Digital confirmed the email to Ars Technica, saying he has also said similar things in the past.

Reactions on Reddit have been positive, with Redditors applauding Söderström for his generosity. As some noted, since he will not be able to profit in the country anymore, might as well give it for free to the people. That way, he gains positive publicity in the process.

Söderström also showed his charitable nature in 2012 when the first “Hotline Miami” was released. The game was pirated on torrent sites, and although he wasn’t happy about it, he was saddened to learn that the pirated version of the game had bugs in it. He offered the pirates help on The Pirate Bay, posting a link to a bug fix on the site.

When asked why he offered his help to people who technically stole his creation, he replied via email to Polygon, “Because I’ve worked very hard on making an interesting experience that I want people to enjoy. Bugs detract from that, and that’s worse to me than losing money.”