(Video Credit: YouTube/1OneMinuteNews)

Mirrored ceilings, camcorders and sex tapes are out with the new Sex with Google Glass app. This kinky app for the latest wearable technology is making great rounds online for allowing couples to see their partner's view while having sex as it streams from their devices.

Who Made the Sex App?

The Sex with Google Glass app was made by a Lebanese student named Sherif Maktabi in London in November. "We want to change the way people experience things" is his reason for creating the application. He added that when they asked themselves the question of how can they make sex a lot more awesome with such a device like Google Glass, then they came up with the app, Daily Mail UK wrote.

So how does it work?

The Sex with Google Glass app can be controlled with voice commands. The wearer can record their partner during the intercourse or just swipe the sides to change perspective. When the act is over, then the wearer just has to do another voice command to pull it out and it will create the video of what transpired. It can be played back within the next five hours before it will be deleted forever from the app.

The controversial app was already downloaded from the official Web site of the developer by a total of 17 owners of Google Glass. His site had around 10,000 visitors before Google decided to kill it.

Mixed Reactions from Various Audiences

Reactions to the Sex with Google Glass app turned out with mixed views. Some were excited with downloading it while others were against it. However, its developer remains untroubled with such responses despite Google's banning on sexually explicit content, The Guardian stated.

Other Useful Google Apps

CNN recently wrote about the story of a techie firefighter who came up with a Google Glass app that will help them respond better to emergency situations. All the relevant information allow it to be routed straight to Google Glass that will help them save time from reaching over to a radio or a phone just to get all the data they need to rush to where they should be.

In other news, a guy who saw a movie in Columbus, Ohio was pulled out of the AMC theatre for an alleged case of piracy using his Google Glass.

So what do you think of the recent effects that Google Glass is bringing to the society?