Google+ is not merely another social network in the Internet. It is not merely better than Facebook. Google+ is a better launchpad for sharing data with the world.

While it is Google's answer to Facebook, the company under-promised and over-delivered all over again. Google+ is not isolated as a separate product like other Google services but is the bridge among all. Not only has it more functions in itself but it also makes use of services like Google Docs, YouTube and Picasa just to name a few.


The services offered by Google+ are a new, better take on Facebook's own. With the Circles in the service, you not only can group anyone you are connected to, you control what you share with them and follow them. Facebook has copied this functionality, but without the finesse. The picture and video services for Google+ are provided by Picasa and YouTube respectively. Especially, the YouTube integration in the Stream is much better than Facebook's because you don't have to open a new page to view it. You don't have to worry about the messaging service as now, Gmail is the messaging service. The chat is also much better with Hangouts. What makes it a much "cooler" place is the ability to use the video chat with a whole group. The Google Docs also take the place of notes for Google+. Not only you could type sentences but also have a whole office suite.


The Stream is where most of Google+ activity will occur. Google has made it to be more useful by incorporating drag and drop for uploading images and videos. One of the favorites of uploading pictures in the stream is that it animates animated GIF files. Web sites not only can be seen with descriptions, but also the "favicon," which is part of the site's identity.

Privacy Setting

The Circle function of Google+ is also one of the finest part of Google+. Just like Facebook, Google+ is your identity in the Internet, only more searchable with Google's search engine. You could choose what to share with the public. Of course there are some things you would like to share with only your friends but not with the world. Google+ could do that and more. You could choose who gets what you share, now there are other options other than public or private. The best part of this function is that the people in circles don't get to see what circle you put them in.


Just like Apple, Google also puts importance to how they present their products. The minimalistic settings of Google+ are uncluttered with advertisements. This feature might change in the future but for now, it beats Facebook's layout.


Google+ has none, and it is marvelous. Much like MySpace, where you could customize your page with anything, Facebook has apps that can clutter their status updates. There are no apps to put unwanted statuses on your stream. The games are not apps but they have a separate part for it in the service. Information about who plays what is only available when you play the game. It keeps the stream neat and from looking like your spam box.

Many have said that Google+ will be the new Google. That won't be the case since many use Google to search for anything in the Internet and profiles are a small part of that. What Google+ will be is a more efficient way to communicate with your friends and the Internet.