"Destiny" is getting another update 2.0.2 in November. Bungie

Following the recent maintenance that Bungie conducted for “Destiny,” the November update is now set to arrive in the game. This is coming alongside new activities lineup for the month.

The developer confirmed this in the latest Bungie Weekly Update, though a definite release date for the patch has not been specified. One of the new additions is the return of the Iron Banner, which bears a big change of having the Clash game mode. The only goal for the Iron Banner is finding and killing off enemies.

Rewards will also see a change in the Iron Banner event. The reputation from winning matches has been increased by 20 percent, while completion rewards also increased for all ranks. Rank 2 and above have bigger increases, while packages from Lord Saladin are coming for those who have reached Rank 3 and 5. Additional rewards for Rank 3 include Iron Banner artifacts, while those at Rank 5 can get Iron Banner Ghost Shells as package or activity completion rewards.

The “Destiny” companion app was also recently updated. This is especially significant for players who have been using the tools in Gear Manager has now been added to player’s account, though it is currently in beta mode for testing and feedback. A notable feature in the Gear Manager is the Maximize Light feature that will equip al of the highest Light gear regardless of location. This is done automatically, but the development team is expected to continue to work on the feature for more improvements.

Apart from the new updates from Bungie, a fan has recently found a new update from the developer’s Help section. It appears that players should avoid some activities after completing raids or other activities in “Destiny.”

According to Destructoid, players should always go to orbit after raids or strikes. This is not the usual mode of action for all players, as there are those who may switch out characters, log out of the game, turn off or put into rest mode their consoles or get disconnected from the game.

Doing any of the actions above could result in players losing their postmaster rewards. In a more detailed discussion over at Reddit, it was confirmed that players need to go back to orbit as the same character, as even that will make players lose rewards.

An update from the Bungie has also confirmed that going to matchmaking or loading screen after the activity does not count as returning to orbit. And neither does joining another friend in another activity. Sadly, Bungie has announced that it will not restore lost items related to this new finding. The best way is to make sure to go back to orbit after every activity is done to avoid future losses.

"Destiny" companion app walkthrough (Credit: YouTube/IGN)

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