People react differently to celebrities: some may shriek, become speechless, while some miss out on the star-striking event and faint. Just like in the case of meeting the "Harry Potter" star Daniel Radcliffe, where ladies swoon and pass out. But is that really the way to end an encounter with a celebrity? What can fans do to stop from fainting?

In "The Jonathan Ross Show," Radcliffe revealed that once in his trip to Japan for the movie, he brushed against a Japanese schoolgirl that when he apologized to fainted, ContactMusic.ocm reported. And does anyone really want to end an encounter with Harry by just blacking out when staying conscious could bag a person precious more time with the celeb?

For fans who avidly await their idols and celeb crushes, fainting is actually triggered by stressful situations where in the person is experiencing excitement, for others, pain. Mostly occurring unexpectedly, everything turns black because of the changes that happen in the nervous system and the circulatory system which causes a temporary drop in the amount of blood reaching the brain, reported

To be more specific, fans pass out because of physical triggers like the heat or being too crowded; emotional stress like anxiety or shock; and hyperventilating. But when it comes to the others, aside from those already mentioned, drug use, low blood sugar, anemia, eating disorders, cardiac problems and pregnancy can be the reasons why they faint.

When a person does feel that he or she is about to faint, lying down can prevent it from happening as it will allow the blood to circulate properly to the brain. If lying down is not possible, sit down instead and lower one's head between the knees. For extreme situations, try to go to a different place.

But of course, fans will not have any of this as they can miss out meeting their idol. So for those who are set out on meeting the stars, try to drink water or something with calories and sugar, like a soda or a juice, suggested.

The right kind of attire can also prevent fainting - try to wear breathable, cool clothing that aren't too fit as it will prevent the body from overheating and from running out of air. Shoes also play a key role as those that are too tight or are uncomfortable can also decrease circulation, reported.

Some other tips that fanatic should know are to eat something, preferably something that is high in potassium like a banana; and to calm down, breathe slowly when one does feel like fainting.

With all of these tips, hopefully one's next encounter will not end with everything going black.