Sometimes a small bug can be hours of fun. That is what happened to Bethesda when they were figuring out why somebody in their game Skyrim was reporting them for thievery. It turns out the feathered animals there is not so keen on giving up their eggs.

An executive producer in Bethesda, Todd Howard, discussed the game Skyrim on PC Gamer magazine about Radiant Story. Radiant Story is Skyrim's storytelling feature. It acts as a narrator for the game and changes a few things in the plot according to your choices in the game and other parameters. Think of it as an unseen director for the game.

"Let's see... something that was good lately... but this was a bug - lately we realised that chickens were reporting crimes. I found that very funny." said Howard when asked about Radiant Story. They were puzzled on who was reporting crimes on them and when they found out. "That actually took us a while to track down, that bug. Like, 'Why is this happening?'" the executive producer remarked about finding the bug.

Before the interview it was reported that Bethesda doesn't fix every bug in the game. Only game-breaking bugs are surely fixed and they leave the others for players to find. If Bethesda fixes the chicken bug in the game, it is most likely some gamers would mod the ug back in the game for fun.

Skyrim is the next Elder Scrolls game released by Bethesda. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim comes out for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on Nov.1.

Bethesda Softworks LLC. is a game developer responsible for the development and release of the Elder Scrolls series and Fallout: New Vegas. It is based in Rockville, Md.