American Actor Bill Cosby
IN PHOTO: A new lawsuit has been filed against Bill Cosby. REUTERS/Eric Thayer

After eliciting sympathy for being ambushed about his rape cases on his first show in Canada, Bill Cosby is the one making rape jokes this time. On his second show in Canada, the legendary actor and comedian poked fun at himself and brought up the rape allegations thrown at him, stunning the crowd. One of the audience called out that he is "a rapist," however, and was unfortunately, thrown out of the theatre for causing trouble.

Page Six reports Cosby is now taking all rape accusations he has been receiving since 2014 in stride. On his performance in Canada Thursday night, he joked about the allegations that he abused numerous women. The crowd was said to be stunned by his audacity but accepted the joke nonetheless.

When a female audience member got up from her seat to get something to drink during the Ontario show, Cosby addressed the woman and joked she should be "careful drinking around" him. The crowd was surprised to hear him poke fun at himself and bring up the accusations against him at first, audience members tweeted. Loud gasps were reportedly heard before the crowd started to give the actor a round of applause.

The show, however, was disrupted when one of the audience yelled out to Cosby that he is "a rapist" after the joke. The man had to be thrown out as a result.

This Ontario show was the second of three after a series of cancellations. Cosby's performances have attracted a lot of protesters, who braved the chills and the weather to express how much they want the iconic comedian's shows to be cancelled.

On his first show in the city, it could be remembered how many protestors heckled him from the outside of the Kitchener's Centre in the Square. One comedian named Abdul Butt even ambushed him on camera. The comedian, who is a writer as well as a correspondent for the show "This Hour has 22 Minutes," waited for Cosby outside the stage door. When he saw Cosby, he congratulated him on the show and then proceeded to attack him about the rape controversies. "Hey, Bill, congratulations on your first show in 2015! Way to start the year off with a bang!" Butt said. He then added, "Hope it was consensual this time, though, Billy." Cosby did not respond to the taunting. Decider claims this dissing caught on camera elicited sympathy from many.

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