Anonymous Declares War Vs Al Qaeda, ISIS; Brings Down A Jihadist Website

The hacking group known as Anonymous blasted the Al-Qaeda and ISIS over the recent horrific terrorist attacks in Paris and vowed to avenge the death of those who died. In a video, Anonymous vowed to take revenge for the attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. Its way to get even was to bring down jihadist websites.
In a clip uploaded to the group's Belgian YouTube account, a figure in a hood and wearing a Guy Fawkes mask said in an electronically-distorted French voice that it will shut down all terrorist accounts on social media in revenge for the killing of staff at the satirical magazine. "We are declaring war against you, the terrorists."
Shortly after it claimed its first victory when it was able to shut down the website A report by The Inquisitr said the particular website was a classified jihadist page by French authorities. But Anonymous may need to spruce up further its hacking powers on its campaign because was back up and running just a few hours later.
#TangoDown : Expect us. #JeSuisCharlie #OpCharlieHebdo #CharlieHebdo
— OpCharlieHebdo (@OpCharlieHebdo) January 10, 2015
Still, Anonymous called on its followers and netizens all over the world to help it find the terrorists.
Do you want to help us ? Find terrorists twitter profiles, report them. #No2IS #JeSuisCharlie #OpCharlieHebdo #CharlieHebdo #StopDonkyLovers
— OpCharlieHebdo (@OpCharlieHebdo) January 9, 2015
In a statement on text-sharing website Pastebin, entitled "Message to the enemies of freedom of expression," the group said it is its duty to react to the violent killings because "freedom of expression has suffered inhuman assault." Calling the attacks "cowardly and despicable," the group vowed to "fight always and everywhere" the enemies of freedom of expression. "Freedom of expression and opinion is a non-negotiable thing. To tackle it is to attack democracy."
Anonymous is known for its hack attacks on governments, religious groups and corporate entities. It typically disables websites by carrying out distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to overwhelm the server and force it to shutdown.
YouTube/anonymous belgique