Social media will certainly transform to greater heights the way people will socialise and interact online in 2014. And with it becoming a major part of the world's commercial industry, it can help to know ahead the 2014 predictions for top jobs in the social media industry.

1. Social Media Strategist

This is the job that works on the creation of public profiles so that companies can have ideal interaction with customers on various social media Web sites. The job gives the company a human element via the building up of social interactions online. It can offer up to about $61,000 as yearly salary.

2. Blogger

Blogging is still in but not just a hobby anymore for most starters. Many companies and firms worldwide are actually tapping the potential of blogging to help build a solid online presence. The job requires the blogger to be able to create engaging content and get to consistently attract the attention of readers. Hence, it requires amazing writing skills to present amazing information without the need for any college degree.

3. Google Glass Expert

With Google Glass eyed to be launched to the market by 2014, then surely there will be a vacancy for specialists of the newest gadget. Besides, even if it won't be such a big hit as it aims to be, it will still need specialists to guide the market on its usage.

4. Google+ Expert

With many saying that Google+ will boom by 2014 just like Google Glass, then it will surely need a great deal of experts to work around it and make it work for the best. The social media job will surely require for the right person to make every Google+ page as engaging and as active as the highly successful Facebook.

5. SEO specialist

Companies will surely want to continuously create a solid presence online especially in attracting their customers. And to be able to do this, an SEO specialist should definitely be hired. The job includes being able to analyse Web sites and test various marketing strategies by making fresh and high-quality content.

Are you into social media? Which social media jobs will you try out in 2014?

(Video Credit: YouTube/Gangs of Social Media)