"X-Factor" contestant Kimberly Dayle, aka "Kitty Brucknell," has been accused of joining other talent shows and appearing on numerous television events, a big "no-no" according to the rules of the show.

The Lady Gaga fan, who won over the judges with her performances, appeared in various television shows across Australia, Romania, and in the U.S. It explains why the contestant is confident that she will nab the title at the end of the show, but other contestants are not taking her actions and comments too well.

"Kitty was so full of herself and showing off about how she was already a star. The whole point of 'The X Factor' is that it's for people who aren't famous to realise their dreams," says one contender in a report posted by Inside Ireland.

Another issue buzzing around Kitty is how she seemed "shocked" and "crazy" upon finding out that she made it to the next round of the competition. When caught on camera and after people reacted, the "X-Factor" contender used her Facebook page to defend herself.

"Please remember that perhaps what you see wasn't really the whole truth, it is TV after all," says the contestant on her social media page. Reliable sources also suggest that Kitty was "handpicked" by show executives after seeing the confident blonde on video. To add insult to injury, sources also say that the show is "stage-managed" and planned before the viewers get to see the show live on television.

Watch a video of Kitty performing Lady Gaga's "Edge of Glory"