Microsoft Windows
IN PHOTO: Microsoft Corp's Ashley Frank talks about Windows 10 at the annual shareholders' meeting in Bellevue, Washington December 3, 2014. Reuters/Jason Redmond

Eugene Kaspersky, the founder and CEO of Kaspersky Lab, the huge Russian IT security company, stated during the AusCERT security conference that Windows has always been the safest OS. The audience, who were gathered in the event’s venue in Australia, heard first-hand from Kaspersky that Windows has bested Android, OS X and iOS, as indicated in Tech Times.

According to Kaspersky, Microsoft has continued to make waves with its success in blocking most types of computer attacks and keep Windows users protected from viruses.

The company was able to come up with such results since it analyse over 300,000 different types of malware every single day. As a solution, Kaspersky Lab aimed to develop advanced ways that will prevent each of their discovered threat from affecting computers all over the world.

Key information have been collected from the company’s 400 million active subscribers with regard malware and virus samples. With the use of these samples, the company was able to identify which OS tech users today think was the safest, and which ones were most vulnerable to hacks.

Anti-virus methods should not only focus on the traditional way of virus prevention, according to IT Wire. These should also work hard at improving data protection by strengthening the information from cybercrime, sabotage, and espionage.

According to The Australian, although it may be true that all operating systems are susceptible to modern attacks – the Internet of Things, most of all – cybercriminals have somehow developed a knack of attacking OS X and iOS because of their many vulnerabilities.

One particular feature that is almost always the target of cybercriminals is mobile banking. With today’s growing and improving technology, many people have already started to transition by handling their finances through their email accounts and social networks. To avoid having finances hacked into, Kaspersky has only one solution: “Disconnect from the Internet.”

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