Rich men who want only sex from a pretty woman and not a relationship have barely a few hours left to meet the May 7 deadline of an American female medical student who is auctioning through an online bidding her virginity. They too must top the current highest bid for a 12-hour date with the "virgin whore" - who uses the alias Elizabeth Raine - of $800,000.

In an interview with Daily News, Raine assured the winning bidder that she is not interested in marrying the man who would be the one to take her virginity. She admitted that she only wants the sex part, but with some limitations, and some of the money, although the medical student insisted becoming rich is not her main reason for selling her purity.

Her openness to the point of including her face photo in her Web site, Musings of a Virgin Whore, has generated both negative and positive feedback from readers and netizens.

In the portal's comment section, Michael noted that the future physician is being criticised for her honesty, and pointed out that marriage is generally a long-term contract for couples to have 12-hour dates with sex as integral part of the deal. "Men value sex and women know it. You are just selling your goods on your own terms with no strings attached," he commented.

Plexico advised Raine to improve her personal qualities since being sexually abstinent or "not allowing a penis to enter your vagina is a fairly minimal achievement." His other suggestions were for the medical student to be more caring and compassions and becoming a better listener - bedside traits that could be appreciated by her future patients.

TF Evan, however, was quite condescending, sparing no words in stating that "there are no differences between you and a prostitute. prostitute(s) sell their body for money and you are going to the same way."

In response, Jack chastened TF Evan because Raine had "admitted that." Jack urged TF Evan to try reading before sharing his or her "wisdom."

Raine would likely not be offended because the synonym of sex trade worker - whore - is in the title of her Web site.

But what she may not be prepared, since the 28-year-old brains and blonde beauty has stressed that she is not gay, is if the winning bidder turns out to be a woman or more precisely a lesbian.

Such a possibility was raised by Liz who asked the virgin when she noticed the masculine pronoun "he" was used when referring to the highest bidder, "Does this mean you will only have sex with a man? What if the highest bidder is a woman?"

Plexico replied that Raine's definition of a sexual intercourse as "penis in vagina" is a 100 per cent guarantee that "only men can claim the prize."