Google Android made a big splash last week when it announced the renaming of the OS 4.4 version from the earlier speculated Key Lime Pie to Kit Kat, the same chocolate bar sold by Nestle.

Just days after the announcement, a parody of the Kit Kat OS was posted in YouTube, using technical language that reviews of gadgets use, while describing the favourite chocolate bar loved by millions of consumers worldwide, Mashable reports.

To add fun to the video, which has become viral and logged almost 2 million hits in 5 days, the parody also made fun of Android rival, Apple.

Android explained the shift from Key Lime Pie to Kit Kat because of the unfamiliarity of most programmers with the Key Lime Pie, while everyone knows Kit Kat, leading to the cross-branding between Google and Nestle with no money involved.

Nestle, in fact will ship millions of Android 4.4 Kit Kat bars that would give the buyers a chance to win a Google Nexus 7 table or gift cards.