The iPhone 7 still has an unknown official release date, but there have already been a multitude of speculations regarding the upcoming Apple flagship smartphone’s specs. Although the rumoured specs indicate how top-of-the-line the iPhone 7 could be, none of them was as revolutionary as the features that were depicted in the parody video that was made by Noka Films.

The video that was created by the New York-based film making company has conveyed a very strong message about how today’s generation has become addicted, if not even dependent, on technology. The ad, entitled “Upgrade,” was first discovered by Ad Week, and it has taken smartphone addiction to a whole new level.

As depicted in the parody, the iPhone 7 will not be a regular smartphone. Instead of keeping the device inside the user’s pocket or bag, it will be inserted into the brain so it can function as a neurological module. However, just like any iPhone device, it will need to be upgraded from time to time.

Failure to comply with the timely schedules for the upgrade will cause the body to twist and crash. In order to get the upgrade, the iPhone 7 user will have to go directly to a doctor, as told by Value Walk.

The parody video focuses on what happens to a woman when she suddenly experiences an embarrassing situation when the iPhone 7 inside her head malfunctions. It was not able to function as it should since it was an older model, and it was already in desperate need of an upgrade.

“iPhones and similar smartphones are now an integral part of our modern life, and, in a way, beginning to alter who we are,” said the producers, according to The Drum. “To ridicule our addiction to our smartphones, we played out a world where this technological evolution may one day take over us.”

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