Street Fighter 5
Ryu prepares to unleash a deadly fireball attack in Capcom’s “Street Fighter 5.” PlayStation Blog -

After the long wait following a buggy beta launch, Capcom is finally ready to open its doors to PS4 stress testers in North America. There are two time periods wherein the stress tests will be open in the Americas.

The two days will be held on Aug. 25 and 26, with the stress test period open from 4:00 p.m. to 12 midnight PT. According to Capcom’s official blog, the stress tests for the Americas will be the last ones before the final dates and times for the official five-day global beta test are formally announced.

Previously, Capcom has also held stress tests in Europe and Asia for “Street Fighter V” with positive results. From there, the developer has taken into consideration the findings in previous stress tests. However, hiccups are still expected now and then.

To get the most out of the online stress testing, Capcom recommends that players ensure that they have Wired Internet connections for more stable speeds and to keep background downloads to a minimum or none if possible. These ensure that the bandwidth will not be unnecessarily consumed and the connection will not be slow during the stress test.

This is not the only good news that players can expect for “Street Fighter V.” It appears that there will be a special announcement coming at PAX Prime in Seattle, GameSpot reported.

Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono announced via Twitter that the team is preparing to announce something at the event in relation to “Street Fighter V.” Not just that, Ono also commented that this announcement is something that he had wished for, and one that he assures fans will be happy about.

The developer has not yet announced any specific details or the exact time and date during the PAX Prime when Capcom will make the announcement. “Street Fighter V” will be coming to the PS4 and PC by spring of 2016.

"Street Fighter V" stress test matches (Credit: YouTube/ImKnomad)

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