Charlie Sheen’s lawyer, Martin Singer has described the actor’s termination as ‘absurd and ridiculous’ emphasizing that CBS’s honcho Chuck Lorre was behind all these.

"We feel this is nothing more than Lorre flexing his muscles," Singer said, according to the Sydney Morning Herald, adding: "and we intend to respond accordingly."

Singer maintained that Lorre has interfered with Charlie’s contract and found his way to make Warner Bros. fire him from “Two and a Half Men”.

To prove his point, Singer illustrated the domestic violence incident Charlie got himself entangled with in Aspen last year. The actor’s lawyer said that Warner Bros. did not have much to complain when the “Men” star broke them the news that he was to plead guilty to a felony after reportedly attacking ex-wife Brooke Mueller. Singer reiterated, that despite the plan, the studio had stuck it out with Charlie, even renegotiated contract of the actor.

Singer may have a point - - following the 'moral turpitude' clause raised by Warner Bros.’s legal team from Munger, Tolles and Olson led by counsel John Spiegel, and causing harm not only to himself but of others

Using the same argument, paralleled to the domestic violence case in Aspen in analogy and zeroing on the alcohol and drug use as one of the grounds for using the agreed clause: drug is to the domestic violence and physical harm to himself [and probably the people around him as a result of drug use] is to physical and traumatic emotional harm to former wife, Brooke.

And in the first case, Martin Singer said that Warner Bros raised no concern about the Aspen incident and in terms of consistency, the same should be expected when the “much-intensified drug and alcohol use" cropped up this year - - when Charlie was brought to a Los Angeles hospital in late January, following a 36-hour party binge with all the alcohol, drugs and porn star to go with it.

Martin Singer also insisted that Charlie may have gotten the boot this time because, this time he did not cause any harm only to himself or a wife. He insulted his own show’s big-time producer, Chuck Lorre.

And the lawyer asserted, this is not the way for Charlie to go. And this is what they will fight the creators and producers for in court against the much-publicized job termination in the unemployment-laden country, America.

Like the old tactic a classic lawyer would use in court, Martin Singer assassinated Lorre’s character to destroy his credibility in order to prove his case.

Singer told TMZ that Sheen is not the first star Chuck Lorre had a falling out. He named Roseanne Barr and Brett Butler as among the big names who could not co-exist and work with Chuck.

Singer should know that Sheen will be David fighting Chuck, the Goliath as Lorre is considered most successful producer on TV today -- with three hit shows on the air : "Two and a Half Men," "The Big Bang Theory" and "Mike and Molly."

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