Ita Buttrose may be the face of Australia, having been named Australian of the Year in January. But she may as well be the poster girl for senior sex.

Actually, Ms Buttrose, 71, is also the ambassador for New South Wales' Senior Week. To drive home the message that older Australians still enjoy life despite retirement from the work force, she stressed to the younger generation that many of their grandparents continue to enjoy frolicking under the sheets.

"I don't know what young people imagine will happen to them when they get older. There is plenty of evidence that older Australians enjoy an active sex life as much as younger one do, they are just more discerning," The Sydney Morning Herald quoted Ms Buttrose.

She cited statistics from the Medical Journal of Australia that 25 per cent of married women over 76 still have sex and over 33 per cent of males above 70 are still sexually active.

The campaign for better understanding of senior sex is shared by different groups

and sex experts such as Dr Allison Hopkins.

However, because of the biological clock, most of the elderly people who engage in sex no longer do it to have children but for bonding.

With the growing popularity of the topic, tutorial videos on senior sex have increased in video sharing sites such as these two clips that feature oral sex

and safe sex

But there are also videos that warn seniors of the dangers of unprotected sex.

Under the NSW Seniors Week that was launched Monday but officially runs from March 17 to 24, elder state residents are offered creative, cultural and sporting pursuits as well as an opportunity to watch gay and lesbian-themed movies or learn how to write erotic literature.

"After Fifty Shades of Grey, I think everyone is interested in erotic writing. It might be a way to boost one's retirement fund," Ms Buttrose added.