A top broker believes risk specialists are making the products too complex and difficult for many consumers to understand.

MPA Top 100 Broker Daniel O’Brien said he has found success in diversification in construction, equipment and vehicle finance, but that converting leads for risk products has been a difficult proposition.

“We have attempted unsuccessfully to establish a risk insurance referral partner in the past. We have had no issue in getting the leads generated, but getting those leads converted has proven a lot harder,” O’Brien said.

O’Brien commented that risk products are often sold in a way that is too complex and difficult for consumers to understand.

“The risk specialists are not keeping it simple. It’s a very easy sell if someone has just taken a mortgage. I think that financial planners sometimes have a tendency to be a little too tricky and it loses people. These clients are the same clients that pay money every year for car insurance and house insurance, so they do believe in insurance. I just think that a bad done was job in selling and offering it,” he said.

O’Brien said he will continue his diversification drive in 2012, and that he remains open to putting insurance products on the menu.

“I am open to focusing more on risk. I just need to establish a relationship with someone that can convert first.”