Seventeen-year-old prostitute Hashi, embraces a Babu, her "husband", inside her small room at Kandapara brothel in Tangail, a northeastern city of Bangladesh, March 4, 2012. Reuters/Andrew Biraj

Although numerous studies have shown that frequent orgasms or sex lowers the risk of prostate cancer for men, not all ejaculations have the same level of intensity. Researchers from Mayo Clinic and the Indiana University of Medicine reviewed human anatomy studies to discover the reasons why some people fail to orgasm.

Previous studies state that about 80 percent of women and 28 percent of men have difficulty climaxing. Failure to orgasms is often explained by psychological reasons, but the study, led by Elizabeth Emhardt, points out it could be more physical.

The review finds that several anatomical variations have a superior role in the frequency and intensity of orgasms. These include penis size and presence of the Grafenberg spot (G-spot).

There are differences between the two genders why females and males fail to climax. Among men, it is based on the delicate balance between the parasympathetic nervous system – which controls the body during periods of rest – and the sympathetic nervous system that controls the body’s “fight-or-flight” response. When men fail to orgasm, there is often an imbalance between the two. If a man’s sympathetic system is overactive or his parasympathetic system is underactive, it results in lifelong premature ejaculation.

Among women, the study, published in Clinical Anatomy’s April 2016 issue, notes that when having sex, the clitoris – the small erectile tissue within the vagina – moves toward the outer vaginal. The scientists explain that the closer the clitoris gets to the wall, the more likely the woman would climax. It often happens when the couple is in a missionary position, with the women on bottom, or the cowgirl position, when the woman is on top.

The G-spots location may vary, but the research says, every woman may have “her own constellation of pudendal nerve branching that creates her own, personal G-spot location.” Also playing a vital role in female orgasm is the distance between the clitoris and the vaginal opening.

Besides finding the reasons behind the failure of men and women to climax, the study also discovered that the frequency of sex and orgasm is linked to better mental health, lower blood pressure and greater life expectancy. It also keeps the mind young and releases hormones that induce sleep and relieve pain.

The study dashes long-held belief that sexual experience and the ability to climax is based on confidence, ability to trust and openness. Emhardt raises the possibility that it is the variations in sexual anatomy that explains the difference in sexual experience. She adds understanding those specific anatomical reasons could lead to individualised medicine tailored to each patient md future research could look into how to alter surgically or medically those variations.